Andres Alonso Dextre Chavez

andres chavez-Hearts to Humanity Eternal

Andres is a PhD student in the joint Bioengineering program at UC Berkeley – UCSF in the lab of Dr. Daniel Fletcher. His research focuses on developing new low-cost diagnostics that can be implemented at the Point-of-Care. Specifically, he is working on using CRISPR-Cas enzymes to detect a wide range of biomarkers in a multiplexed manner for infectious diseases. Before coming to Berkeley, Andres attended Purdue University where he received a BS in Biological Engineering. At Purdue he conducted research in developing paper-based molecular diagnostics for SARS-CoV-2 and Bovine respiratory disease in Dr. Mohit Verma’s lab. Outside of the lab, Andres enjoys playing soccer, cooking and reading.