Anna Ha-Yun Yoon

annayoon-Hearts to Humanity Eternal

Ha Yun Anna Yoon received her B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from MIT in 2019. During her undergraduate career, she worked on developing flexible, multimodal fiber for optogenetics (under Prof. Anikeeva and Prof. Seongjun Park), quantifying blood flowmetry using IV-OCT (under Prof. Brett Bouma), and developing a small, cost-efficient CP-OCT (under Prof. Gary Tearney).
Anna is now a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering at UC Berkeley with a concentration in Biomechanics and a minor in ES&T, Machine Learning, and Neuroscience. Currently, she is researching in the fields of biophotonics, neuroscience, and bioengineering. More specifically, she is working in the Ji Lab to build kHz optical microscopes and use it to study the mice primary visual cortex via simultaneous calcium and voltage imaging. Previously, she has researched in various institutions and national labs around the world including NASA, KIST (Korea), KIMM (Korea), MassGeneral Hospital, and MIT. She has taught and advised students in various engineering and biology courses at MIT and UC Berkeley. Currently, she is serving as an educational counselor at MIT.