H2H8 Charter
The Heart to Humanity Eternal (H2H8) Charter lays out the foundation for the organization, the authority, and the rights and privileges of the association members. The charter is still in development as the association adds more charter members. The H2H8 final Charter will comply with the spirit of the Charter Member Pledge. Establishing an H2H8 Charter will be fundamental to the successful operation of future Charter Communities.
Provisional H2H8 Charter
Currently, a provisional H2H8 Charter is under development. The H2H8 Charter is a living document to be reviewed and modified by Charter Members until final approval. A majority vote by Charter Members will finalize the Charter after a sufficient number of Charter Members have joined the H2H8 Association.
The full organizational structure of H2H8 Association will be formed only after the approval of the H2H8 Charter.
Circle of Lights: Executive Board
Once the H2H8 Charter has been approved, the Circle of Lights Executive Board will be elected. The executive board is responsible for establishing an H2H8 Central Office, Judicial Board, and the Fund Management Board.
Amending the H2H8 Charter
The H2H8 Charter provides governance for the entire H2H8 Organization. As such, it is crucial that all H2H8 Stakeholders take part in ensuring the integrity of the H2H8 Charter. To ensure democratic control of the H2H8 Charter, all Charter Members have equal voting rights with regard to the H2H8 Charter. The diagram below outlines the process to amend the H2H8 Charter.
H2H8 Charter Contents
Guidelines for the following are to be detailed in the finalized Charter and current provisional charter.
- H2H8 Association’s Core Values
- Legal Structure – Nonprofit
- Membership levels and qualifications
- Circle of Lights Management Board
- H2H8 operations
- Charter community management and sanctuaries
- Legacy mementos and wishes
- H2H8 Programs